PRESIDENT'S MESSAGEBy: Dan Sippl, RSVA PresidentSAGEBRUSH NATIONAL TRAINING CONFERENCE The Annual Sagebrush National Training Conference is right around the corner and there is still time to make plans to attend. This Conference is an opportunity to share your experiences and learn from your colleagues from all across the nation. I have traveled to many states over the past several months, speaking to both state and local affiliates, and some of the questions that have repeatedly arisen are: “What does Change Surrounds Us mean?” and “What does Maximizing Your Potential delineate?” The answers are well embedded within all of us and have many meanings which are all relevant to Randolph-Sheppard entrepreneurs. Therefore, it is imperative that we all attend the Sagebrush Conference to share our ideas and answers to make this program stable and grow for many generations to come. There are many questions that we all have asked ourselves over the past few years for our businesses with the struggling economy.
As you can see, I am sure you have answers for all of these and many more questions. With that in mind, why not come to Sagebrush and share your answers with all of the attendees, including Randolph-Sheppard vendors, SLA personnel from various states, RSA administration, DOD teaming partners, and finally, product distributors and manufacturers? Also, you may find that you will pick up a few more answers that may have been inadvertently overlooked in your usual course of business. Labor data reveals that 92% of the workforce is EMPLOYED and they have had to reassess their priorities. We simply need to find the key to blending in with these new priorities. Remember, the rules of business are:
Last, but surely not least, attend Sagebrush to learn about all of the changes coming down in the regulatory process that could significantly impact how and where we do business, thus our bottom lines. LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AT THE
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